Preparing Your Team To Handle Crisis Situations


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Crisis situations are times of intense difficulty or danger that could lead to an unstable environment or workspace. Crisis in a workspace may turn out really bad or can make a brand stronger depending on how it is handled.

How prepared is your team to neutralize crisis situations?

Many brands do not plan effectively for a crisis until they’re caught up in the middle of one. Crisis management efforts will be much more likely to go smoothly and prevent long-term damage if there’s already a plan in place. A crisis is a non-routine, unexpected, and sudden event that creates uncertainties, threatens a brand’s priority objectives, may cause financial losses, and put a dent on the brand’s reputation. In light of this, brands should prepare their teams in advance to avoid potentially devastating consequences. Why? Putting a crisis plan in place will help your team handle any crisis that occurs in the future.

However, Crisis management training should not be limited to planning, disaster readiness, or risk management skills, a crisis can hit any organization at any time and there are situations everyone should think about and plan for. Staff should be empowered and prepared with a variety of crisis management training, virtual and physical. This would help them plan for, prevent, and manage a wide variety of crises.

Each team member will react differently when there is a  crisis or disaster. Some will be proactive and be prepared to alleviate or get the situation under control while others may be reactive thereby making the crisis situation worse. Employers need to take the responsibility of training employees with some basic knowledge of crisis management should a disaster occur in the workplace or the brand faces a backlash.

Why is this important?

Crisis management requires a skilled, knowledgeable workforce who are adaptive, flexible, and focused on the future, so the staff has to be well equipped and trained. Managing a crisis whenever it surfaces requires a lot. It has to do with building or developing a formidable human capacity as well as equipping them with the necessary knowledge and technical know-how to make important decisions that will safely steer the brand through the storm. Brands need to acknowledge that maximizing the potential resources of their staff can have a significant impact on their ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to a crisis.

Training your team in crisis management is a precautionary measure that will foster business continuity in spite of a crisis situation. Note that preparing members of your team for various crisis situations is not to scare them but to prepare them to properly take charge when a crisis occurs. Helping them understand the importance of crisis management will invariably save your business a lot of time and money as well as strengthen your brand’s reputation.

In Conclusion

According to Richard Wm. Brundage, every organization should initially conduct a “crisis vulnerability audit”.

John E.Spillan in his Strategies for Successful Crisis Management stated that organization managers often have the assumption that planning ahead for crisis is less important or not necessary owing to the belief that crisis has lesser chances to occur. However, in our present world, crises and threats from both internal and external bodies of an organization are inevitable. Hence, as the environment grows more technologically complex, the crises confronting organizations will also occur more frequently. In effect, the coping ability of managers is of vital importance. He further explained that Crisis is a major part of business, and no industry is exempted. Historically, business crises were obvious to all organizations but it was majorly associated with large organizations.

At Caritas communications, we have built a solid team of Crisis Management specialists with a combined experience of over 30 years who have had a range of experiences in crisis communications and management. We have worked with a number of high-profile organizations to conduct in-house crisis management/communication training for their staff. Your organization can trust us to effectively train your team to prepare for various crisis scenarios irrespective of your organizations’ size.