How Brands Can Increase Awareness This Season


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Google defines Brand awareness as the level of consumer consciousness of a company. It measures a potential customer’s ability not only to recognize a brand image but to also associate it with a certain company’s product or service.

Brand awareness is very vital for brand management because it helps consumers develop trust for a brand. It helps consumers recall and differentiate between brands in the same line of business. Brand awareness is also a tool for knowing your brands’ competitive performance. Therefore, brands need to ensure that their consumers can identify their products under various circumstances as this can be a medium for such a brand’s success.

Festive seasons are the perfect times to increase sales and brand awareness. Why? People are very willing to spend money and have a good time with their friends and families. What are the activities your brand can organize to increase brand awareness and sales this Christmas season?

7 Ways Brands Can Increase Awareness This Season

Run Giveaways on your social media platforms

One of the ways you can increase awareness for your brand is by running giveaways on social media. The goals for running giveaways on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook or Twitter are to increase brand awareness, gain more followers, increase engagement and build brand loyalty. These social media platforms are free-of-charge channels that provide businesses with the opportunity to build their brand and engage with their consumers. So, take advantage of them for brand building.

Host an event

When giveaways are not enough you can host events like dinner parties, get-togethers, comedy shows or concerts that will entertain costumers and endear them your brand. Holding an event like this will give you ‘face time’ with clients and potential business partners, it offers your prospective clients the opportunity to feel and see first hand the personality of your brand.


Sponsoring an event, idea or product helps a brand increase awareness, as partnering with other organizations make attendees of such events gain interest in your brand and also want to be associated with such brand.

Influencer Marketing

Get people who are thought leaders in their industry such as Bloggers, Journalists to boost your brand’s awareness, these are people who consumers trust and most likely would go to for information about a brand, Influencers can help with advertising campaigns and media coverage that would help your brand gain exposure that would keep customers more engaged

Merchandising and discounts

Brands can give branded gifts such as pens and notepad with the companies contact details as a great method for brand awareness as this enables customers to have the contact information of the company at their fingertips, discounts can also be given to customers from time to time.


Another great brand building strategy is through partnering with an organization that has the same goals as your brand with this partnership both organizations get to offer complimentary serves to customers which would enhance mutual benefits.