3 Reasons You Need to Build Strong Client-Agency Relationships


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Client-Agency relationships are symbiotic and inter-dependent on each other to achieve set goals and objectives. Without effective, regular communication as well as collaborative efforts between the client and the agency to achieve set goals and objectives, the client-agency relationship will be strained and the business goals of the client and agency will not be achieved.

A common similarity between the client-agency relationships is that of a buyer and seller. As much as they both need each other, the buyer has the ability to dictate the tune when it comes to making a buying decision as he or she has access to various sellers with their distinct product or service quality. Hence, the seller on the other hand only looks forward to the buyer’s patronage by providing adequate and quality services or products. However, in as much as the client has the ability to dictate the tone of the objectives they want to attain, it is the agency’s role to manage the client’s expectations based on what is feasible, realistic, and attainable.

While clients pay for results, the journey towards attaining the result is very important for both the client and agency. Thus, for a client-agency relationship to work, both parties have to;

  • Be cordial with each other and maintain mutual respect
  • Foster good communication for effective execution of projects
  • Resolve any misunderstanding very quickly
  • Respect the terms of the contract.

If you are wondering why it is important for clients and agencies to build strong client-agency relationships, Here are some reasons below:

  1. It enables the client and agency to understand each other: When it comes to building a solid relationship, irrespective of whatever sort of relationship it is, one must understand that as individuals are different, so are client-agency relationships.  Clients and agencies must be aware that organizations have their distinctive qualities and model of operation. Hence, building a strong relationship with each other will enable both parties to determine the method and approach that suits them for a beneficial business relationship.
  2. It allows both parties to easily adapt to change: It is greatly important for an agency to build a good relationship with its clients by effectively communicating slight changes and giving frequent updates on every process in the campaign. This allows both the client as well as the agency to take certain decisions and also affect and adapt to the changes whenever the need be. In this situation, none of the parties will be caught off guard as the frequent updates must have been pointing a finger towards such change which would end up being easy for both parties to adapt to.
  3. It builds mutual trust between the client and the agency: When both parties carry each other along with changes to a campaign, project, or procedure,  and have a good rapport, it makes it easier for the client and agency to each play their roles and deliver desired results. Quality of work delivered will be impeccable and mutual trust will be developed. This mutual trust between the agency from the client will foster more business for the agency and propel the agency to go above and beyond for the client.

In conclusion, the place of good communication cannot be overemphasized in relationship building. As a matter of fact, they both work hand in hand. Good communication plays a major role in every aspect of strong relationship building between the agency and the client. The agency is an extension of a client’s in-house marketing team. They are there to support your brand therefore they should be apprised of any changes, successes, crisis, and more to enable them adequately prepare for the next steps your organization should take.  Clients and agencies must learn to align with each other’s’ approach to work and policies in such a way that the client and agency become inseparable.

Need a seasoned agency to serve as the perfect extension of your in-house marketing team? Contact us now.