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Online Reputation Management
When it comes to assets, reputation is intangible. Yet, it is the only real asset of an organization. And, in today’s digital world of trending hashtags, fake news and cyber backlashes, an organization’s reputation constantly needs to be monitored, managed, and protected. It is important that despite the potential drawbacks that the digital space presents, there are enormous opportunities for business growth, global recognition, and visibility on this platform.
At Caritas, we know the impact and import of a positive corporate reputation, and this is why Online Reputation Management sits at the core of our existence. We combine the experiences of our marketing communications professionals and our expertise in online reputation management to help organizations minimize negative media mentions, and profit from a positive online reputation and global visibility.
When it comes to managing our clients’ online reputation, we always go the extra mile. From search engine optimization to digital content management, we provide our clients with specialized services that generate quality earned media and drive online conversations about them in the right direction. We also manage corporate advertising campaigns in times of organizational crisis, or as part of ongoing thematic campaigns for the positive projection of an organization’s image in the media.
Ultimately, we promise only what we can deliver because we also have a reputation to protect!